- /Mining/BureauOfMiningPrograms/BMPPortalFiles/AAB/Agendas_and_Handouts/2016/

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8/1/2016 9:03 AM 32203 Aggregate Advisory Board - Meeting Schedule for 2016.pdf
5/3/2016 6:27 AM 7313829 Aggregate Advisory Board Annual Report for 2015 (Draft).pdf
2/9/2016 1:46 PM 24434 Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting Agenda (2-18-16).pdf
5/2/2016 7:25 AM 207291 Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting Agenda (5-4-16).pdf
7/29/2016 9:31 AM 66658 Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting Agenda (8-3-16).docx
2/9/2016 1:47 PM 86937 Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting Minutes (11-10-15) (Draft).pdf
5/2/2016 7:25 AM 330345 Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting Minutes (2-18-16) (Draft).pdf
8/4/2016 9:05 AM 33965 Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting Minutes (5-4-16) (Draft).docx
9/6/2016 10:09 AM 64626 Aggregate Advisory Board RLT Commitee Meeting Agenda (9-8-16).docx
9/22/2016 7:10 AM 62373 Aggregate-Advisory-Board-RLT-Commitee-Meeting-Agenda-(9-28-16).docx
2/9/2016 1:47 PM 208003 Bill Allen Presentation (Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting - 2-18-16).pdf
5/2/2016 7:25 AM 1522324 Bill Allen Presentation (Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting - 5-4-16).pdf
7/26/2016 9:09 AM 1624064 Bill Allen Presentation (Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting - 8-3-16) -- SR edits.ppt
2/9/2016 1:47 PM 176083 Bill Allen Presentation (Payment In Lieu of Bond) (Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting - 2-18-16).pdf
2/9/2016 1:47 PM 382420 Bruce Carl Presentation (Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting 2-3-16).pdf
5/3/2016 6:27 AM 2665975 Glenn O. Hawbaker Pleasant Gap Facility Presentation (Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting - 5-4-16).pdf
1/15/2016 10:41 AM 614264 January 2016 Noncoal Admin Fee Phases.pdf
9/6/2016 10:09 AM 103667 Non-Coal Fees Recommendation Document (PA Aggregates and Concrete Associ....pdf
9/23/2016 2:28 PM 103667 Non-Coal Fees Recommendation Document (PA Aggregates and Concrete Association).pdf
9/23/2016 2:28 PM 813882 Non-Coal Fees Work Plan (PA Aggregates and Concrete Association).docx (3).pdf
5/18/2017 9:45 AM 59141 Non-Coal Fees Work Plan (PA Aggregates and Concrete Association).docx (3....pdf
9/22/2016 7:15 AM 809081 Non-Coal Fees Work Plan (PA Aggregates and Concrete Association).docx.pdf
11/3/2016 9:09 AM <dir> Nov02
7/26/2016 12:57 PM 121252 PA Travel Document - Exemption Certificate.pdf
1/15/2016 10:41 AM 927805 Prelim Draft Annex A_Noncoal Fees.pdf
5/3/2016 6:27 AM 432385 Proposed Non-Coal Bond Rates (5-4-16 Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting).pdf
2/9/2016 1:47 PM 57408 Proposed Technical Guidance Revision (Pre-Application Review).pdf
4/27/2016 2:07 PM 172302 RLT Committee Draft Recommendation - Revised (2-18-16).pdf
2/9/2016 1:47 PM 206680 Sharon Hill Presentation (Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting - 2-18-16).pdf
1/14/2016 12:12 PM 3912428 Spend Plans.pdf
7/26/2016 12:57 PM 265721 Travel Document - Declaration of Missing Receipt.pdf
7/26/2016 12:57 PM 15827 Travel Document - Ground Travel Worksheet.xlsx
7/26/2016 12:57 PM 20153 Travel Document - Privately Owned Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rates.docx
7/26/2016 12:57 PM 56320 Travel Document - Travel Expense Voucher Form.xlt