- /ProgramIntegration/PA Pipeline Portal/MarinerEastII/
[To Parent Directory]
9/15/2020 1:14 PM <dir> 2020
8/19/2021 9:05 AM <dir> 2021
7/26/2023 2:00 PM <dir> 2023
8/29/2019 8:10 AM 754567 8-20-19 - CACP - Inadvertent Return.pdf
8/29/2019 8:10 AM 672216 8-21-19 - CACP - Cumberland County.pdf
8/24/2020 4:55 AM 17991356 8_4_2020 IR CACP.pdf
1/3/2018 9:51 AM 0 9D9B8B07.tmp
11/12/2021 8:41 AM <dir> Addendums_to_Chapters_105_and_102
12/22/2016 2:12 PM <dir> Allegheny
9/11/2017 9:25 AM 2865771 Aughwick Creek HDD Number S2-0153 20-16 HDD Reanalysis (1765631_1).pdf
8/28/2020 12:26 PM 54966 August 27, 2020 - Sunoco ltr to DEP - HDD S3-0360-16.pdf
8/28/2020 12:26 PM 196354 August 28, 2020 - DEP to Sunoco ltr - HDD S3-0360-16.pdf
8/28/2020 12:26 PM 121509 August 28, 2020 - EHB Order.pdf
8/28/2020 12:47 PM 2327648 August 28, 2020 - Stipulation of Settlement -.pdf
12/22/2016 2:13 PM <dir> Berks
12/22/2016 2:13 PM <dir> Blair
12/22/2016 2:13 PM <dir> Cambria
2/10/2017 1:27 PM <dir> Chapter 102
5/24/2019 2:34 PM <dir> Chapter 105
12/22/2016 2:13 PM <dir> Chester
8/3/2018 1:11 PM 777207 Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty - August 2, 2018.pdf
5/3/2018 10:55 AM 351962 Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty - Exhibit A.pdf
5/3/2018 10:55 AM 975345 Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty.pdf
12/22/2016 2:13 PM <dir> Cumberland
12/22/2016 2:13 PM <dir> Dauphin
8/13/2018 8:27 AM 206250 December 2017, Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty.pdf
12/22/2016 2:14 PM <dir> Delaware
10/4/2017 6:06 AM 46450 E31-234 - PA-HU-0078.000-WX - S2-0153.pdf
10/4/2017 6:30 AM 53178 E36-945 - PA-LA-0024.000-RD - S3-0170.pdf
9/15/2017 9:28 AM 1778896 Eagleview Blvd HDD-S3-0321 16-Inch HDD Design Review 09142017-1767944_1.pdf
2/13/2018 11:25 AM <dir> EastSwedesfordRoad
5/15/2018 1:19 PM 462424 EHB Order 4-16-2018.pdf
5/15/2018 1:19 PM 414235 Exhibit 1 - HDD IR Assessment 4-10-2018.pdf
5/15/2018 1:19 PM 1198736 Exhibit 2 - HDD Inadvertent Return Assessment compare February and April 2018 versions.pdf
5/15/2018 1:19 PM 1313718 Exhibit 3 - HDD Inadvertent Return Assessment compare August 2017 to April 2018.pdf
8/23/2018 7:25 AM 32408 Frequently Asked Questions - Mariner East.docx
2/20/2018 11:26 AM 1017128 HDD Inadvertent Return Assessment, Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Plan - revised 2-6-18.pd.pdf
8/15/2017 1:36 PM <dir> HDD Inadvertent Return Assessment, Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Plan w appendices - Revised 080817 - Appendix C
8/14/2017 9:32 AM 793129 HDD Inadvertent Return Assessment, Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Plan w appendices - Revised 080817.pdf
10/26/2020 9:31 AM <dir> HDD_Reevaluation_Reports
2/15/2019 2:34 PM 7612821 Highway 222 Crossing - S3-0200.pdf
12/22/2016 2:14 PM <dir> Huntingdon
12/22/2016 2:14 PM <dir> Indiana
12/22/2016 2:14 PM <dir> Juniata
12/22/2016 2:14 PM <dir> Lancaster
12/22/2016 2:14 PM <dir> Lebanon
8/30/2017 12:28 PM 247981 MEII Settlement Corrected Stip Order 081017.pdf
8/30/2017 12:32 PM 4234688 MEII Settlement Stip Order Ex. 1 Orders.pdf
8/30/2017 12:32 PM 325572 MEII Settlement Stip Order Ex. 2 HDD Reeval Sun Criteria 081017.pdf
8/30/2017 12:32 PM 328160 MEII Settlement Stip Order Ex. 5 HDD restart 72 hour notice in 150.pdf
8/30/2017 12:32 PM 313363 MEII Settlement Stip Order Ex.3 HDD Reeval IR.PDF
8/30/2017 12:32 PM 319738 MEII Settlement Stip Order Ex.4 HDD restart 10 day notice 450.pdf
2/13/2018 11:26 AM <dir> NorthPottstownPike
1/7/2022 1:19 PM <dir> NOV
1/3/2018 9:48 AM 764754 OrderSuspendingConstructionActivities010318.pdf
4/28/2022 3:32 PM <dir> PermitRenewalsPartialNotices
1/11/2018 3:33 PM <dir> Permits
12/22/2016 2:15 PM <dir> Perry
2/28/2020 11:20 AM 199107 Pipeline Construction IR - Waters of the Commonwealth.pdf
2/13/2017 5:06 PM 518506 PPP Information Sheet1.pdf
4/18/2018 8:14 AM <dir> Project-Wide Modifications
4/28/2023 10:40 AM 464537 Raystown_SPLP_COA_01_03_2020.pdf
9/11/2017 10:20 AM 5710570 Route 897 HDD Number S3-0170 20-16 HDD Reanalysis PA-LA-0024.pdf
12/21/2016 10:51 AM <dir> SCRO
9/11/2020 11:00 AM 218901 September_2020_AO_(09_11_2020 001).pdf
12/19/2016 11:36 AM <dir> SERO
7/30/2018 12:48 PM 979899 StipulatedSettlementofAppeal07252018.pdf
2/8/2018 9:39 AM <dir> Summary_of_Order
2/15/2017 3:39 PM <dir> Sunoco PPP-ME2 Comment Response Document
8/26/2020 5:30 AM 165733 Sunoco_Mariner_East_II-Pipeline_Construction_Inadvertent_Returns-Uplands_Revised.pdf
4/26/2021 4:39 AM 214848 Sunoco_Mariner_East_II-Pipeline_Construction_Inadvertent_Returns-Waters_of_the_Commonwealth_Revised.pdf
3/26/2020 12:56 PM 201744 Sunoco_Mariner_East_II-Pipeline_Construction_Inadvertent_Returns-Waters_of_the_Commonwealth_Revised_3-26-2020.pdf
12/19/2016 11:32 AM <dir> SWRO
8/14/2017 9:56 AM 49043358 Void Mitigation Plan for Karst Terrain and Underground Mining w appendices - Revised 080817.pdf
12/22/2016 2:15 PM <dir> Washington
8/14/2017 2:33 PM 28715279 Water Supply Assessment, Preparedness, Prevention and Contigency Plan w appendices - Revised 080817.pdf
8/2/2018 3:06 PM 777205 Water Supply CACP.pdf
12/22/2016 2:15 PM <dir> Westmoreland
9/15/2017 1:26 PM 7156243 Wetland A54 & A55 HDD S3-0160 & 0170--16 HDD Reanalysis-reduced.pdf
9/19/2017 1:48 PM 7771268 Wetland C17 S2-0075 20-16 HDD Reanalysis (1768953_1).pdf
12/22/2016 2:15 PM <dir> York