- /ProgramIntegration/PA Pipeline Portal/PennEast/October_2019/ESG02000160002 - Counties Luzerne, Northampton, Carbon, Bucks, and Monroe/

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10/30/2019 6:07 PM 154060 01- PennEast Response Letter to DEP for ESG02000160002.pdf
10/30/2019 3:21 PM 110932 02_ESCGP Tech Def Response Acronyms.pdf
10/28/2019 4:04 PM 1316832 03_ESCGP Tech Def Response_2019_10_28.pdf
10/2/2019 6:32 PM 2867986 04_Att ESCGP-1_Mud_Run_Slope_Restoration_Memo_20190924.pdf
10/30/2019 7:02 PM 7812 05_PADEP ESCGP TOC_Oct2019.pdf
11/14/2019 3:01 PM <dir> 1-11_HDD and IRCP
11/14/2019 3:01 PM <dir> 1-1_NOI
11/14/2019 3:01 PM <dir> 1-2_NOI Checklist
11/14/2019 3:01 PM <dir> 1-4_Project Narrative
11/14/2019 3:01 PM <dir> 1-5_Site Location Map
11/14/2019 3:01 PM <dir> 1-8_PNDI
11/14/2019 3:01 PM <dir> 1-9_Cultural Resources
11/14/2019 3:01 PM <dir> 2-1_Pipeline E&S Narrative
11/14/2019 3:02 PM <dir> 2-2_Pipeline E&S Drawings
11/14/2019 3:02 PM <dir> 2-3_Facility E&S Plans
11/14/2019 3:02 PM <dir> 3-1_Pipeline SR Narrative
11/14/2019 3:02 PM <dir> 3-2_Pipeline SR Plan Drawings
11/14/2019 3:02 PM <dir> 3-3_Facility PCSM Plans