- /Water/BPNPSM/StormwaterManagement/MunicipalStormwater/PRP_TMDL_Plans/

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9/23/2016 12:09 PM 448696 2010_Census_PA_UA_Population_071816.pdf
11/21/2014 10:54 AM 47413353 Inspections_Final_MP4.mp4
11/20/2014 12:49 PM 102518680 MCMs_Final_MP4.mp4
8/26/2022 1:30 PM 219201 MS4_Stream_Restoration_Checklist_Default_Rate.docx
2/4/2021 10:43 AM 182746 MS4_Stream_Restoration_Checklist_Default_Rate.pdf
8/26/2022 1:30 PM 242117 MS4_Stream_Restoration_Checklist_Expert_Panel_Protocols.docx
2/4/2021 11:00 AM 339837 MS4_Stream_Restoration_Checklist_Expert_Panel_Protocols.pdf
2/4/2021 9:32 AM 62410 MS4_Stream_Restoration_Eligibility_Checklist.pdf
4/17/2017 12:24 PM 324495 Municipal MS4 Requirements Table Instructions.pdf
3/13/2019 10:41 AM 1150922 Municipal_MS4_Requirements_Table.pdf
11/18/2019 3:24 PM 800791 Pollutant Aggregation Suggestions for MS4 Municipal Requirements Table.pdf
4/17/2017 12:42 PM 293724 Pollutant Aggregation Suggestions for MS4 Requirements Table Instruction.pdf
6/26/2017 6:57 AM 357295 PRP Development Process Summary June 9.pdf
2/3/2017 12:36 PM 20380747 PRP_Simplified_Method_Narrative.docx
12/20/2016 2:47 PM 215427 Recommendations_for_Urban_Stormwater_BMPs.pdf
9/9/2016 1:12 PM 1239961 Statewide_MS4_Land_Cover_Estimates.pdf
3/14/2024 12:52 PM 77772 Stream Restoration Eligibility for MS4 5.11.2018.pdf
4/17/2017 1:34 PM 799485 The Latest Evolution of Stormwater (PA Township News March 2017).pdf
1/10/2017 1:34 PM 303658 WaiverFAQ_011017.pdf