- /Water/BPNPSM/WastewaterManagement/Act537/SEO/

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8/29/2017 2:44 PM 70726 2017 Act 26 - PA General Assembly.pdf
4/3/2017 9:35 AM 35743 2017SEOCertificationExamDates_032917.pdf
12/29/2017 9:24 AM 43383 2018SEOCertificationExamSchedule.pdf
11/19/2018 12:46 PM 25718 2019 Exam Schedule Annoucement.pdf
11/19/2018 12:46 PM 25718 2019ExamScheduleAnnoucement.pdf
9/25/2020 1:23 PM 114236 2020 09 25 Active SEO's by County 18-20.xlsx
12/27/2019 6:30 PM 21190 2020 SEO Certification Exam Dates-NOTICE.pdf
9/17/2020 2:40 PM 117012 2020-09-17_Active_SEO's_by_County_18-20.xlsx
10/5/2020 3:46 PM 69319 2020-10-05_Active_SEO's_by_County_20-22.xlsx
10/13/2020 12:08 PM 75909 2020-10-13_Active_SEO's_by_County_20-22.xlsx
10/28/2020 2:28 PM 85278 2020-10-28_Active SEOs_by_County_20-22.xlsx
12/27/2019 6:30 PM 21190 2020_SEO_Certification_Exam_Dates-NOTICE.pdf
8/24/2021 8:41 AM 13172 20210901_PaB_NOTICE-2021_SEO_EXAM_UPDATE.pdf
6/21/2021 9:07 AM 19115 2021_SEO_EXAM_SCHEDULE.pdf
12/13/2021 8:59 AM 78361 2022_FINAL_SSEO_Exam_Date_Pa.B.NOTICE.pdf
1/5/2023 8:36 AM 74376 2023_FINAL_SEO_Exam_Date_Pa.B.NOTICE.pdf
9/13/2023 9:50 AM 74950 2023_FINAL_SEO_Exam_Date_Pa.B.NOTICE_(2023SEP12)_Edit.pdf
12/7/2023 11:57 AM 74047 2024_FINAL_SEO_Exam_Date_Pa.B.NOTICE.pdf
2/3/2025 9:21 AM 99149 2025_Pa_B_SEO_Cert_Exam_Dates.pdf
3/18/2021 1:07 PM 66168 Act34.pdf
5/26/2021 10:42 AM 833554 Act_34_FAQ.pdf
11/12/2021 3:13 PM 161061 ACT_34_FAQ_Final_13Oct21_(1).pdf
6/26/2018 10:03 AM 116358 Active SEO's by County 16-18 06 22 18.xlsx
8/12/2020 11:24 AM 116808 Active SEO's by County 18-20 08 12 20.xlsx
11/27/2018 3:04 PM 103935 Active SEO's by County 18-20 11 27 18.xlsx
5/22/2020 1:34 PM 118077 Active SEO's by County 18-20 5.22.20.lsx.xlsx
2/24/2020 12:08 PM 115709 Active_SEO's_by_County_18-20_with_rollover_02-19-2020.xlsx
4/3/2020 9:56 AM 115231 Active_SEO's_by_County_18-20_with_rollover_4.2.20.xlsx
1/29/2021 4:13 PM 87014 Active_SEO's_by_County_for_Internal_Website.xlsx
8/26/2019 1:49 PM 107104 Active_SEOs_by_County_18-20_08_26_19_without credits.xlsx
2/19/2020 4:35 PM 115683 Active_SEOs_by_County_18-20_with_rollover_02-19-20.xlsx
12/4/2013 8:50 AM 179378 ActiveSEO_CEU_Credits_120313.pdf
9/11/2018 9:19 AM 100301 ActiveSEOsbyCounty.xlsx
7/5/2018 12:22 PM 90905 ActiveSEOsbyCounty_18-20_070518.xlsx
8/29/2017 2:44 PM 140377 All SEO Letter - 8.25.17.pdf
3/12/2018 7:53 AM 243196 All SEO Letter 3.9.18.pdf
5/8/2020 1:19 PM 153078 All SEO Letters Table of Contents (2020 - 06_08).pdf
9/25/2020 2:30 PM 153056 All SEO Letters Table of Contents (2020 - 09_25).pdf
2/16/2016 2:40 PM 382789 ALL_SEO_020316.pdf
6/21/2013 2:33 PM 148026 ALL_SEO_032312.pdf
5/19/2021 9:44 AM 101516 All_SEO_Letter_05.18.21.pdf
3/5/2021 3:23 PM 157286 All_SEO_Letters_Table_of_Contents_(2021-03_02).pdf
5/19/2021 9:44 AM 157584 All_SEO_Letters_Table_of_Contents_(2021-05_18).pdf
9/17/2019 9:46 AM 89293 All_SEO_Letters_Table_of_Contents_2019-09-17.pdf
3/3/2020 12:58 PM 45818 Approved Sponsors 3.3.20.pdf
3/6/2020 11:46 AM 46157 Approved Sponsors 3.6.20.pdf
9/11/2018 9:19 AM 109238 Approved Sponsors.pdf
5/22/2018 3:02 PM 178889 Approved Training 05 22 18.pdf
10/2/2019 2:38 PM 44728 Approved_Sponsors_10-2-19.pdf
1/23/2020 10:58 AM 45898 Approved_Sponsors_11-30-19.pdf
12/14/2020 2:37 PM 68847 Approved_Sponsors_12-14-20_for_web.pdf
3/11/2020 3:26 PM 46907 Approved_Sponsors_3-11-20.pdf
3/14/2022 2:35 PM 71470 Approved_Sponsors_3.10.22_for_web_and_CWA.pdf
3/31/2022 1:44 PM 70190 Approved_Sponsors_for_WEB_and_CWA_2022_03_30.pdf
4/29/2022 12:53 PM 71444 Approved_Sponsors_for_WEB_CWA_2022_04_29.pdf
7/10/2013 2:36 PM 34546 Chapter102Clarification.pdf
8/25/2015 8:16 AM 83682 Chesapeake_Initial_Data_Collection_Protocol.pdf
8/25/2015 8:16 AM 596149 Chesapeake_MOC_Signed.pdf
8/25/2015 8:16 AM 576348 Chesapeake_Test_Plan_Application_Template.pdf
4/24/2014 11:36 AM 122893 Draft Act 537 Guidance - SEO Certification and Training Program - Slides.pdf
11/9/2020 12:29 PM 67786 DYE_TEST_(4-B)_from_Enf_2_course.pdf
4/24/2018 7:58 AM 1170599 EHB Docket No. 82-238-M 25 Pa Code Chap 71 73 HP.pdf
4/19/2017 10:13 AM 245983 February 16, 2017 All SEO Letter.pdf
5/19/2021 10:19 AM 833554 May_18,_2021_Attachment.pdf
1/4/2017 3:23 PM 141225 PADEPApprovedSEOTraining_2016-2018Rev0117.pdf
2/27/2017 9:00 AM 149833 PADEPApprovedSEOTraining_2016-2018Rev0217.pdf
3/2/2016 10:15 AM 74215 PADEPApprovedSEOTrainingSponsors_Rev0316.pdf
5/19/2020 10:51 AM 21510 REV.Pa.B 2020 SEO Certification Exam Dates-NOTICE.pdf
5/8/2020 1:20 PM 151581 SEO Letter (em) (2020 - 05_06) Attachment.pdf
5/8/2020 1:20 PM 159356 SEO Letter (em) (2020 - 05_06) with attachment.pdf
7/25/2014 1:18 PM 145981 SEO News Item for Web - Tracking of Continuing Education Credits 072314.pdf
1/2/2024 8:26 AM 99297 SEO_Conflict_of_Interest_Legal.pdf
5/13/2015 2:23 PM 255203 SEO_Conflicts_of_Interest-OLD.pdf
12/12/2016 9:18 AM 406836 SEO_Conflicts_of_Interest.pdf
7/13/2021 7:36 AM 13450925 SEO_Field_Manual_Complete.pdf
3/5/2021 3:30 PM 151125 SEO_Letter_(em)_(2021-02_03)_Attachment.pdf
3/5/2021 3:30 PM 118066 SEO_Letter_(em)_(2021-02_03)_with_attachment.pdf
3/5/2021 3:30 PM 148562 SEO_Letter_(em)_(2021-02_04)_Attachment_CORRECTION.pdf
3/5/2021 3:30 PM 124776 SEO_Letter_(em)_(2021-02_04)_with_attachment_CORRECTION.pdf
3/5/2021 3:31 PM 202049 SEO_Letter_(em)_(2021-03_02)_Attachment.pdf
3/5/2021 3:30 PM 103941 SEO_Letter_(em)_(2021-03_02)_with_attachment.pdf
9/19/2019 7:59 AM 284201 SEO_Letter_em_2019-03-19_sent_only_to_SEOs_who_never_had_109_Advanced_Soils.pdf
4/11/2019 10:50 AM 116714 SEO_letter_em_2019_04_11_LMS_and_soils_sent_to_SEOs_who_took_109.pdf
9/17/2019 8:25 AM 70079 SEO_Letter_em_2019_05_23.pdf
9/3/2019 3:40 PM 70285 SEO_Letter_em_2019_09_03.pdf