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8/24/2018 11:40 AM 154935 2013WestNileVirusDiseaseFactSheet.pdf
9/25/2018 11:27 AM 394422 2018 Mosquito Borne Disease Summary_9_25.pdf
12/3/2018 9:41 AM 392699 2018Positives.pdf
8/16/2019 9:58 AM 170494 2019 Positives.pdf
10/2/2020 12:46 PM 168547 2020 WNV Collection and Testing Status.pdf
4/4/2022 2:10 PM 111204 2021_Vector_Program_Contact_List.pdf
10/4/2021 10:32 AM 138903 2021PositiveMosquitoSamples.pdf
10/26/2022 7:47 AM 133706 2022_Positive_Reports.pdf
10/5/2023 10:06 AM 267834 2023_Jamestown_Canyon_Virus_Map.pdf
10/5/2023 10:06 AM 375252 2023_Website_Positive_Map.pdf
10/27/2023 10:41 AM 107319 2023_WNV_Activity_by_County.pdf
7/31/2024 2:55 PM 271754 2024_07_26_JCV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
7/31/2024 2:54 PM 375774 2024_07_26_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
8/2/2024 3:23 PM 355980 2024_08_02_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
11/13/2024 8:33 AM 265508 2024_10_11_JCV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
11/13/2024 8:35 AM 39870 2024_10_11_JCV_Positive_County_Map.png
10/10/2024 9:26 AM 122047 2024_JCV_Activity_by_County(old).pdf
11/13/2024 4:33 AM 122011 2024_JCV_Activity_by_County.pdf
6/14/2024 3:03 PM 243190 2024_JCV_Map.pdf
9/13/2024 3:45 PM 349069 2024_Spray_Notifications(old).pdf
9/23/2024 1:27 PM 350097 2024_Spray_Notifications.pdf
10/10/2024 9:27 AM 138533 2024_WNV_Activity_by_County(old).pdf
11/13/2024 4:32 AM 138521 2024_WNV_Activity_by_County.pdf
3/29/2024 3:06 PM 237825 2024_WNV_Map.pdf
5/17/2024 4:29 PM 249604 5-17-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
5/24/2024 1:00 PM 254244 5-24-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
5/31/2024 3:04 PM 257140 5-31-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
6/14/2024 3:03 PM 269242 6-14-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
6/21/2024 3:03 PM 257995 6-21-24_JCV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
6/21/2024 3:03 PM 129346 6-21-24_WNV_Activity_by_County.pdf
6/21/2024 3:03 PM 277881 6-21-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
6/28/2024 3:00 PM 291173 6-28-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
6/5/2024 2:59 PM 260851 6-5-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
7/19/2024 3:22 PM 116699 7-19-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
7/3/2024 2:40 PM 296949 7-5-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
8/16/2024 4:31 PM 364942 8-16-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
8/16/2024 4:43 PM 39854 8-16-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.png
8/9/2024 3:06 PM 363198 8-9-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
8/11/2024 4:21 PM 39869 8-9-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.png
9/20/2024 3:05 PM 374078 9-20-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
9/24/2024 2:10 PM 38481 9-20-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.png
9/6/2024 3:06 PM 370231 9-6-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.pdf
9/6/2024 5:53 PM 38162 9-6-24_WNV_Positive_County_Map.png
8/24/2018 11:32 AM 1053241 Arboviral Annual Report 2016 Final.pdf
8/24/2018 11:32 AM 1544123 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania WNV Plan 2018 FINAL.pdf
9/5/2019 1:51 PM 1023690 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania WNV Plan 2019 FINAL.pdf
11/9/2020 9:11 AM 1643568 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania WNV Plan 2020 FINAL v7.pdf
6/3/2022 10:04 AM 1585495 Commonwealth_of_Pennsylvania_WNV_Plan_2022_FINAL.pdf
5/5/2023 2:25 PM 1705856 Commonwealth_of_Pennsylvania_WNV_Plan_2023_FINAL.pdf
7/3/2024 2:40 PM 3087753 Commonwealth_of_Pennsylvania_WNV_Plan_2024_FINAL.pdf
8/24/2018 11:40 AM 100527 EEE_Fact_Sheet.pdf
8/24/2018 11:41 AM 64266 equine_encephalitis_report_2003_PA_Dept_of_Agriculture.pdf
8/23/2023 12:42 PM 188064 Jamestown_Canyon_Virus_Fact_Sheet.pdf
10/27/2023 10:41 AM 116897 Jamestown_Canyon_Virus_Results.pdf
6/17/2021 8:02 AM 69697 McKeanSprayEvent2021.pdf
9/11/2019 7:42 AM 154465 Mosquito Adulticiding Events in Pennsylvania in 2019.pdf
11/10/2021 1:39 PM 31890093 Mosquito Testing Data 2001 Through 2020.xlsx
9/22/2023 1:52 PM <dir> MosquitoTestingData
8/24/2018 11:43 AM 316772 psce_poster.pdf
9/19/2023 8:30 AM 149652 Spray_Notifications.pdf
8/24/2018 11:32 AM 697549 West Nile Tips18.pdf
8/24/2018 11:32 AM 1216009 WestNileBrochure18.pdf
3/29/2024 3:49 PM <dir> WNVResultsArchive
8/24/2018 11:41 AM 35273 WNVSubmissionForm.pdf