- /regionalresources/SCRO/SCROPortalFiles/Community Info/SpecialtyGranulesQuarry/01180301/09142018/09122018Appendices/
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6/25/2020 1:19 PM 8466155 Appendix 1.1 - Pitts Quarry Mining Area and Cross-Sections 2013-2018.pdf
6/25/2020 1:19 PM 148778 Appendix 1.2 - Hydrographs.pdf
6/25/2020 1:16 PM 139290 Appendix 1.3 - Groundwater Monitoring Well and Precipitation Data.pdf
6/25/2020 1:19 PM 2638003 Appendix 15.1 -- Land Exchange Agreement.pdf
6/25/2020 1:19 PM 178481 Appendix 15.2 -- Letter from Adams County Commissioners to DCNR.pdf
6/25/2020 1:19 PM 167040 Appendix 15.3 -- PA Bulletin Notice of Proposed Exchange of Land.pdf
6/25/2020 1:19 PM 342666 Appendix 15.4 -- DCNR Summary of Public Comments.pdf
6/25/2020 1:19 PM 785732 Appendix 15.5 -- Letter from ISP to DCNR and Adams County.pdf
6/25/2020 1:16 PM 5227336 Appendix 2.1 - AECOM Toms Creek Annual Water Quality Report 2017.pdf
6/25/2020 1:16 PM 314439 Appendix 2.2 - Toms Creek Flow Comparison.pdf
6/25/2020 1:17 PM 12297536 Appendix 2.3 - Watershed Map - Geologic Conditions.pdf
6/25/2020 1:17 PM 80112 Appendix 2.4 - Precipitation and Baseflow Comparison.pdf
6/25/2020 1:17 PM 1470113 Appendix 2.5 - Response to FOTC Comments re SGI Pitts Pond NPDES Permit Renewal 6-6-2016.pdf
6/25/2020 1:17 PM 1974203 Appendix 2.6 - Draft NPDES Permit and Fact Sheet 9-9-2018.pdf
6/25/2020 1:17 PM 10217890 Appendix 3.1 - Lower Mill Ponds Evaluation Hydrology Summary - Existing Conditions.pdf
6/25/2020 1:17 PM 9809518 Appendix 3.2 - Lower Mill Ponds Evaluation Hydrology Summary - Proposed Conditions - N. Tract.pdf
6/25/2020 1:18 PM 1379406 Appendix 4.1 - Summary of Blasting Event Monitoring Seismic Readings.pdf
6/25/2020 1:18 PM 252543 Appendix 6.1 - Existing Sound Levels.pdf
6/25/2020 1:18 PM 1941890 Appendix 6.2 - Sound Level Model Figures.pdf
6/25/2020 1:18 PM 325755 Appendix 7.1 - Northern Tract Core Samples Report.pdf
6/25/2020 1:18 PM 286243 Appendix 7.2 - Suspect Minerals Identification and Management Guide.pdf
6/25/2020 1:18 PM 17709788 Appendix 7.3 - RJ Lee Group, Perimeter Air Sampling at Specialty Granules LLC.pdf
6/25/2020 1:18 PM 1162633 Appendix 9.2 - Multi-Property Documentation Form for Adams County PA Properties Associated with the Battle of Gettysburg.pdf
6/25/2020 1:19 PM 865877 Appendix 9.3 - NRHP Nomination Form Monterey Historic District.pdf