- /regionalresources/SERO/SEROPortalFiles/Community Info/Hoff_VC/

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1/5/2024 8:31 AM <dir> 1-4-24
4/18/2022 9:00 AM 2988851 2013.01.13 Hoff SOD and RtC w attachments.pdf
4/18/2022 9:00 AM 73423 2014 August Project Investigation Rpt App.pdf
4/18/2022 9:00 AM 1095336 2017.06.09 Hoff Source Removal SOD.pdf
4/18/2022 9:00 AM 3644919 2019 2021 Hoff Groundwater Results Figure.pdf
4/18/2022 9:00 AM 2545815 2022 IET ISCO Proposal.pdf
11/10/2020 2:39 PM <dir> Appendix A - EDR Photos
11/10/2020 2:39 PM <dir> Appendix B - EDR Radius
11/10/2020 2:39 PM <dir> Appendix C - EDR City Dir
11/10/2020 2:40 PM <dir> Appendix D - Gibraltar
11/10/2020 2:41 PM <dir> Appendix E - Rem Alt Analysis
11/10/2020 2:41 PM <dir> Appendix F - Well Logs
11/10/2020 2:42 PM <dir> Appendix G - Geophysics
11/10/2020 2:42 PM <dir> Appendix H - Straddle Pkr Memos
11/10/2020 2:42 PM <dir> Appendix I - Straddle Sample Forms
11/10/2020 2:43 PM <dir> Appendix J - Nested Screen Memos
11/10/2020 2:46 PM <dir> Appendix K - Waste Disp
11/10/2020 2:47 PM <dir> Appendix L - GW Sampling Forms
11/10/2020 2:47 PM <dir> Appendix M - 2014 GW Lab Rpts
11/10/2020 2:47 PM <dir> Appendix N - SG&IA Sample Forms
11/10/2020 2:48 PM <dir> Appendix O - SG&IA Lab Rpts
11/10/2020 2:48 PM <dir> Appendix P - VI Insp Forms
11/10/2020 2:48 PM <dir> Appendix Q PADOH LHC
11/10/2020 2:49 PM <dir> Appendix R - 3D Model
11/10/2020 2:49 PM <dir> Appendix S - F&T
5/22/2018 9:14 AM 200875 CR Gibraltar.pdf
11/10/2020 11:23 AM 149965 EPA_Rule_Authorization.pdf
1/4/2018 1:58 PM 1834611 Gibraltar_Fate_and_Trasnport_Model.pdf
5/1/2018 3:04 PM 9067304 GTAC5 Hoff VC Project Report - text, tables, figures.pdf
12/8/2016 11:19 AM 33597 Hoff Contaminants in Pit.pdf
5/1/2018 3:06 PM 115297 HOFF VC RJD.pdf
11/10/2020 12:43 PM 9838033 Hoff_Waste_Pit_Excavation-2018_Final_Report.pdf
11/10/2020 12:43 PM 958290 IET_ISCO_Proposal_rev_10-21-20.pdf
5/1/2018 3:05 PM 1758161 Kessler presentation 3-29-16 NPDES HEARING.pdf
11/10/2020 12:43 PM 1338284 Pilot_Study_Area_Groundwater_Results.pdf
5/1/2018 3:06 PM 5774532 Tetra Tech - Final Hoff GW Modeling and Fate and Transport Summary.pdf