- /regionalresources/SWRO/SWROPortalFiles/CBSVanport/CBSVanportAdminRecord/AdminRec/CBSVanportAdminRecNo27CDcontents/
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8/24/2016 2:58 PM 47861 1-30-90 Analytical Results for Bonderizer Tank Removal.pdf
8/26/2016 8:39 AM 843972 10-25-88 Detailed Response to DER Letter.pdf
8/31/2016 3:06 PM 73216 10-9-86 DER response to remedial action plan.pdf
8/25/2016 8:14 AM 41546 2-2-90 Results of samples taken in relation to removal of the bonderizing tank.pdf
8/26/2016 8:38 AM 109818 2-3-89 Letter to DER re Petroleum Solvents Co.pdf
9/27/2016 1:50 PM 908031 6-15-89 Letter.pdf
8/31/2016 3:04 PM 742039 8-10-88 DER conditions to Groundwater Assessment Plan.pdf
8/31/2016 3:02 PM 114684 8-13-85 Results of sampling program.pdf
8/31/2016 1:19 PM 1356317 9-17-85 Report - Evaluation of Existing Conditions Westinghouse Plant, Area A-9.pdf
9/23/2016 2:53 PM 2527507 August 1988 Assessment of the Presence of TCE and Other Volatile Organic Substances.pdf
9/23/2016 3:18 PM 4103061 Contingency Plan - September 1987 Revision.pdf
9/23/2016 2:54 PM 8116951 December 1989 Remedial Design Investigation.pdf
9/26/2016 9:25 AM 8362463 February 1990 Remedial Design Investigation Amended Work Plan.pdf
9/26/2016 9:54 AM 41657415 February 1994 Hydrologic Study Report.pdf
9/26/2016 11:05 AM 1450782 July 1990 Proposal Vanport Investigation.pdf
9/26/2016 9:57 AM 18122288 June 1990 Report - Remedial Design Investigation.pdf
9/23/2016 2:52 PM 2056407 March 1987 Revised Remedial Action Plan.pdf
8/31/2016 2:40 PM 1652961 March 1990 Proposal - Remedial Design Investigation.pdf
9/26/2016 9:47 AM 5356323 March 1991 Groundwater Recovery System Conceptual Design.pdf
9/26/2016 9:56 AM 26164429 March 1992 Data Summary Report.pdf
9/23/2016 3:25 PM 3168352 May 1986 Groundwater Assessment Area A-9.pdf
9/26/2016 9:49 AM 2218547 May 1989 Hydrogeologic Study Area A-9.pdf
9/26/2016 9:44 AM 6498868 May 1990 Work Plan Vanport Investigation.pdf
9/26/2016 9:55 AM 23523997 NUS Superfund Field Investigation- Beaver Sand Quary.pdf
8/31/2016 3:02 PM 836724 Preliminary Assessment.pdf