- /regionalresources/SWRO/SWROPortalFiles/Community Info/Povlik Injection Well 5-6-16/EPA Folder/Povlik EPA Application and Attachments/

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7/8/2016 1:25 PM <dir> Attachment A AOR Methdos
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment B Maps of Wells & AOR
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment C Corrective Action Plan & Well Data
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment D Maps & Cross Sections of USWDs
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment E Name & Depth of USWDs
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment G Geological Data on Injection & Confining Zones
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment H Operating Data
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment J Stimulation Program
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment K Injection Procedures
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment L Construction Procedures
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment M Construction Details
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment O Plans for Well Failures
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment P Monitoring Program
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment Q Plugging and Abandonment Plan
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment R Necessary Resources
7/8/2016 1:23 PM <dir> Attachment U Description of Business
4/7/2016 9:12 AM 1346286 Injection Permit Application.PDF
4/7/2016 9:10 AM 700562 Table of Contents .PDF