- /regionalresources/SWRO/SWROPortalFiles/Shell/ShellFalconPipeline/WashingtonCounty/
[To Parent Directory]
12/5/2017 4:25 PM 5664443 _Washington County Response to Comments Package.pdf
6/8/2018 7:39 AM 596198 E63-710 - TDL - Washington.pdf
1/23/2018 11:42 AM 6939739 Falcon JPA_Washington-Req A-I.pdf
10/4/2017 5:39 PM 28154715 Falcon JPA_Washington-Req J-K.pdf
1/23/2018 11:45 AM 294670 Falcon JPA_Washington-Req L_Mod S1.pdf
10/4/2017 5:42 PM 58557512 Falcon JPA_Washington-Req L_Mod S2 pt1.pdf
10/4/2017 5:43 PM 20061594 Falcon JPA_Washington-Req L_Mod S2 pt2.pdf
10/4/2017 5:44 PM 44336623 Falcon JPA_Washington-Req L_Mod S2 pt3.pdf
10/4/2017 5:45 PM 11148336 Falcon JPA_Washington-Req L_Mod S3.pdf
10/4/2017 5:47 PM 88236 Falcon JPA_Washington-Req L_Mod S4.pdf
1/23/2018 11:49 AM 11684826 Falcon JPA_Washington-Req M-V.pdf
1/23/2018 6:00 PM 3201848 PA SS DETAILS.pdf
11/30/2016 1:08 PM 180609045 Req D Arch Hx-1_2016-11-30 Northeast Pipeline Report_Final Combined.pdf
1/10/2017 12:04 PM 573208 Req D Arch Hx-2_C_20151839042D.pdf
2/15/2017 2:13 PM 10698258 Req D Arch Hx-3_SHPO Response Submittal Letter 20170203.pdf
4/3/2017 8:32 AM 659635 Req D Arch Hx-4_C_20151839042E.pdf
6/12/2017 3:26 PM 102731 Req D Arch Hx-5_Shell Falcon Ethane Pipeline Submittal Letter 20170612.pdf
6/12/2017 12:56 PM 81656189 Req D Arch Hx-6_Shell Falcon Reroute Report 20170612.pdf
7/24/2017 9:40 AM 228117 Req D Arch Hx-7_C_20151839042G.pdf
9/13/2017 10:36 AM 240371 Req D CR-1. Original PA Lit Review Scoping Letter 31 Aug 15.pdf
10/14/2015 2:40 PM 129650 Req D CR-2. PHMC Response to Original Scoping Letter 22 Sept 15 - 2015-1839-042-A.pdf
9/13/2017 10:37 AM 219735 Req D CR-3. Revised PA Lit Review Scoping Letter and Work Plan 28 Oct 15.pdf
9/13/2017 10:30 AM 39392 Req D CR-4. ER# 2015-1839-042 Shell Pipeline Company, LP, Northeast Pipeline Project.pdf
9/13/2017 10:48 AM 328670995 Req D CR-5. Phase IB Archaeology Rpt 13 Feb 17.pdf
3/27/2017 2:36 PM 784928 Req D CR-6. Phase IB Rpt Clearance 27 Mar 17 - C_20151839042F.PDF
9/13/2017 10:54 AM 145563927 Req D CR-7. Phase IB Adden Archeology Rpt 31 July 17.pdf
9/13/2017 10:09 AM 98472 Req D CR-8. Phase IB Adden Rpt Clearance 25 Aug 17 - C_20151839042H.pdf
3/8/2017 4:37 PM 191996 Req G DCNR-10_22470_Beaver_Washington_Allegheny_NI_perSurvey_Avoidance_U_jar.pdf
8/22/2017 7:14 AM 1836148 Req G DCNR-11_RE_ Falcon Ethane Pipeline Update - DCNR clearance.pdf
8/8/2017 7:28 AM 30735388 Req G DCNR-12_Falcon RPS 2017 Addendum Report FINAL.pdf
8/22/2017 7:07 AM 1888906 Req G DCNR-13_RE_ Falcon Ethane Pipeline Update .pdf
8/16/2017 7:24 AM 141792 Req G DCNR-14_22470_Allegheny_NI_perSurvey_jar.pdf
8/25/2015 4:28 PM 4672810 Req G DCNR-1_NEP_DCNR_PA_FINAL.pdf
6/28/2016 4:29 PM 252858 Req G DCNR-2_022470_Beaver_Washington_Allegheny_Survey_MBM.pdf
8/22/2017 7:26 AM 90431 Req G DCNR-3_RE_ PNDI Large Project 22470_ Shell Pipeline Company, LP Northeast Pipeline Project.pdf
8/22/2017 6:59 AM 20010843 Req G DCNR-4_NEP DCNR PNDI_update_160510.pdf
8/22/2017 7:04 AM 328838 Req G DCNR-5_Falcon Ethane Pipeline - DCNR survey request.pdf
8/22/2017 7:04 AM 302807 Req G DCNR-6_603977_Allegheny_Beaver_Washington_Survey_U_jar.pdf
8/16/2016 8:26 AM 123597498 Req G DCNR-7_Falcon Botanical Report FINAL_160812.pdf
8/29/2016 11:24 AM 176016 Req G DCNR-8_22470_Beaver_Washington_Allegheny_NI_perSurvey_Avoidance_jar.pdf
2/27/2017 11:41 AM 111927062 Req G DCNR-9_FEP PA DCNR_PNDI_updated_170227_FINAL.pdf
8/22/2017 11:18 AM 57391950 Req G PFBC- All Correspondence.pdf
12/30/2016 10:11 AM 1125740 Req G PGC-10_201508270201 Update_PGCResponse_161230.pdf
2/27/2017 11:46 AM 20194498 Req G PGC-11_FEP PA PGC_PNDI_updated_170227_FINAL.pdf
8/22/2017 2:42 PM 352673 Req G PGC-12_RE_ Falcon Ethane Pipeline Project.pdf
8/22/2017 1:15 PM 102430 Req G PGC-13_201508270201 Revision_PGCResponse.pdf
8/25/2015 4:30 PM 4672293 Req G PGC-1_NEP_PGC_PA_2015 FINAL.pdf
9/3/2015 9:32 AM 3287274 Req G PGC-2_201508270201_PGCResponse.pdf
8/22/2017 11:46 AM 6110956 Req G PGC-3_Shell Pipeline Company LP_Northeast Ethane Pipeline_Proposed re-route near SEOW_NOHA survey fields.pdf
8/22/2017 11:49 AM 63449 Req G PGC-4_RE_ Shell Pipeline Company LP_Northeast Ethane Pipeline_Proposed re-route near SEOW_NOHA survey fields.pdf
3/16/2016 2:39 PM 7856927 Req G PGC-5_FINAL SEOW NOHA Survey Plan_Rev 031616.pdf
11/3/2016 1:20 PM 89508 Req G PGC-6_PGC Approval 3.17.16.pdf
8/22/2017 11:38 AM 19694041 Req G PGC-7_NEP PGC PNDI_updated_160510-with figures.pdf
8/17/2016 9:07 AM 404936 Req G PGC-8_201508270201 Revision_PGCResponse_160513.pdf
11/29/2016 3:31 PM 46840502 Req G PGC-9_FINAL SEOW NOHA Survey Report_112916.pdf
1/11/2017 10:06 AM 14720 Req G USFWS-10_BE2_Bald Eagle report_PAUSFWS Response_170110.pdf
8/22/2017 2:33 PM 223933609 Req G USFWS-11_BE3_Falcon Project FINAL BE Report_072117.pdf
8/30/2017 11:38 AM 13174123 Req G USFWS-12_BE3_Falcon Project FINAL BE Report_072117_REDUCED.pdf
8/25/2017 7:36 AM 189870 Req G USFWS-13_BE4_Bald Eagle Screening Form-signed.pdf
8/22/2017 2:07 PM 18515060 Req G USFWS-14_FEP PA_Mussel Habitat Assessment_FINAL.pdf
9/1/2017 8:26 AM 181195 Req G USFWS-15_USFWS-State College Final Clearance.pdf
8/25/2015 4:29 PM 4671717 Req G USFWS-1_NEP_USFWS_PA_FINAL.pdf
9/21/2015 12:27 PM 1170903 Req G USFWS-2_NEP USFWS State College Response Letter.pdf
8/22/2017 1:57 PM 19753410 Req G USFWS-3_NEP PA USFWS_PNDI_updated_160510.pdf
8/22/2017 2:03 PM 14562 Req G USFWS-4_2015-1047_Falcon Ethan Pipeline_160607.pdf
12/19/2016 10:53 AM 551368926 Req G USFWS-5_Falcon Mist Netting Report_submitted 20161216.pdf
2/17/2017 8:43 AM 94739 Req G USFWS-6_Falcon USFWS Coorespondence 11317-surveyresponse.pdf
2/27/2017 11:48 AM 20187442 Req G USFWS-7_FEP PA USFWS_PNDI_updated_170227_FINAL.pdf
8/9/2017 9:58 AM 19253084 Req G USFWS-8_Falcon Mist Netting Addendum_Final 892017_reduced.pdf
1/5/2017 12:23 PM 14765877 Req G USFWS-9_BE1_Falcon Project BE Report Jan 2017_PA USFWS.pdf