- /regionalresources/swro/SWROPortalFiles/Shell/ShellFalconPipeline/August 1st TDL Response/Washington County_E63-710/Stand Alone Documents/

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7/31/2018 2:21 PM 7796487 Carbonate Rock Analysis Memo 24July2018.pdf
8/1/2018 7:19 AM 46620108 CEA Final_20180731.pdf
8/1/2018 7:20 AM 25818931 CEA_Appendix B CIA.pdf
8/1/2018 7:20 AM 182878 CEA_Appendx A Anti Deg.pdf
7/31/2018 7:15 PM 85786276 ES Plans Combined_Final_20180731.pdf
7/31/2018 2:15 PM 100410243 Falcon Landslide Report 072018_full.pdf
7/24/2018 10:47 AM 435524 Falcon Mine Map Book
8/1/2018 7:15 AM 104769658 HDD Geotech Memos 20180508_PA Only.pdf
7/31/2018 2:16 PM 76911858 Mining Comment Response 24July2018.pdf
7/31/2018 4:31 PM 300856 PPC Plan-20180726.pdf
7/31/2018 9:07 AM 89774636 Shell Falcon Pipeline IR Plan_PA_FINAL.pdf
7/31/2018 6:40 PM 20136534 SR Plans 20180731 - 1 of 3.pdf
7/31/2018 6:02 PM 20456758 SR Plans 20180731 - 2 of 3.pdf
7/31/2018 6:02 PM 20398998 SR Plans 20180731 - 3 of 3.pdf