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2/6/2023 9:17 AM 4954960 2023_CD_Highlights_Combined.pdf
3/30/2023 11:00 AM <dir> BayRestoration
1/3/2023 8:38 AM 153838 CDFAP STATEMENT OF POLICY 11-12-14 - (Final for publishing).pdf
1/3/2023 8:38 AM 114852 Conservation District Law - Act 217 8.5x11.pdf
3/14/2024 11:28 AM 436552 DEP-2023-Milestones-Progress-Summary-3-8-24.pdf
1/16/2024 12:59 PM 1683883 PA Phase 3 WIP Planning and Progress Update FINAL DRAFT 1-1-2024.pdf
7/31/2024 8:14 AM 1673658 PA_Phase_3_WIP_2024-2025_Planning_and_Progress_Milestones_FINAL_June_2024.pdf
1/15/2025 11:12 AM 1435910 PA_Phase_3_WIP_2024_Progress_January 2025_Final.pdf
1/18/2023 11:41 AM 1343810 PA_Phase_3_WIP_Planning_and_Progress_Update_FINAL_DRAFT_1-9-23.pdf
1/16/2024 12:59 PM 408971 Pennsylvania Numeric Milestones 2024-2025 FINAL DRAFT 1-1-2024.pdf
1/3/2023 8:38 AM 1453278 SCC_PDA_DEP Executed MOU 02_05_2020.pdf
3/14/2023 7:42 AM 596654 WIP-Milestones-2022-Narrative-3-2023-FINAL.pdf