- /water/BWEW/WaterObstruction/Forms_Publications_And_Guidance/
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8/28/2023 11:26 AM 3354327 Big Spring Run Headwater Aquatic Resource Monitoring Report 2017.pdf
12/18/2024 2:23 PM 129340 Corps_POClist_forPA.pdf
7/24/2023 2:25 PM 2121780 DEPs List of Streams Subject to the Submerged Lands License Program.pdf
7/17/2023 3:32 PM 130590 Expiration of PASPGP-5 Authorizations Flowchart.pdf
7/17/2023 3:41 PM <dir> Guidelines for Maintaining Streams in Your Community
10/2/2023 10:00 AM 5557812 Historic_genealogical_map_of_the_counties.pdf
7/17/2023 3:30 PM 135361 PASPGP-6 Non-Reporting Activity 30 Grandfathered Activities Flowchart.pdf
7/17/2023 3:30 PM 23983 PASPGP-6 self cert example.pdf
12/17/2021 3:05 PM 232217 PASPGP-6_General_Conditions.pdf
7/17/2023 3:31 PM 305024 PASPGP-6_Model_Conservation_Easement.pdf
7/17/2023 3:31 PM 280410 PASPGP-6_Model_Deed_Restriction.pdf
12/17/2021 3:09 PM 887335 PASPGP-6_Permit.pdf
7/17/2023 3:30 PM 218288 PASPGP-6_Prot _Cov_ Instructions.pdf
7/17/2023 3:25 PM 25991 PN PASPGP-6.pdf
9/12/2024 5:58 PM <dir> Technical_Educational