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9/12/2024 9:29 AM 93423 08-13-2024_19000201_RTPT_3812828_SummaryReport.pdf
2/14/2020 1:00 PM 106960226 2020-01-22-Joint Permit Application_Loyalsock-Shawnee Freshwater System-FINAL.pdf
2/13/2025 5:21 PM 77331 2025-02-06_ACC_Statement_of_Basis.pdf
6/21/2024 12:03 PM <dir> 6-21-24
9/26/2024 4:57 PM 585253 A E4129223-006 Approval Letter Permit PASPGP.pdf
6/6/2024 2:16 PM 321452 Aerial_Photo_of_Bank_Fire_Area.pdf
3/9/2020 1:40 PM 96376 AQ PA Bulletin Intent to Issue Notice 3-7-20.pdf
3/9/2020 1:40 PM 97545 AQ PA Waste Plan Approval Form 3-4-20.pdf
3/9/2020 1:40 PM 36040 AQ Plan Approval Cover Letter 3-4-20.pdf
3/9/2020 1:45 PM 581677 AQ Plan Approval Review Memo 3-4-20.pdf
1/9/2025 10:22 AM <dir> Benner_Township
7/18/2019 1:55 PM 90846 Bradford Co Realestate Partners-response FINAL.pdf
9/26/2024 4:57 PM 1691697 C E4129223-006 Comment Response Doc.pdf
5/10/2019 12:02 PM 467102 Coastal Chemical Fact Sheet 5-11-19.pdf
6/6/2024 2:16 PM 41732 Cross_Section_View_of_Bank_Fire_Area.pdf
6/12/2024 1:47 PM 2905745 DEP_Slides_for_Public_Meeting_6-6-24.pdf
2/2/2024 12:12 PM <dir> Dimock
5/2/2024 5:31 PM <dir> Encina_Point_Township
9/26/2024 4:56 PM 114949 ESG294123017-00 Letter Permit.pdf
7/10/2024 4:15 PM 193366 FINAL_2024-0705_DEP_DOH_Wilburton_Number_2.pdf
7/5/2024 10:51 AM 1135659 Hearing Slideshow 7-2-24 Final.pptx
7/20/2024 1:09 AM 124375 Hearing_Transcript_7-2-24.pdf
7/5/2024 3:22 PM 131984 Hummel_Station_Initial_TVOP_55-00026_RACT3_Newspaper_Notice.pdf
3/30/2020 11:10 AM 200797 JPA E4129-133 Loyalsock Shawnee Freshwater System Additional Information 3-9-2020.pdf
3/10/2025 10:06 AM 160391 KDI_Wyalusing_Energy_Center_Plan_Approval_Application_TDL_08-00060A_03072025.pdf
1/6/2025 2:42 PM <dir> Minard_Mine
10/28/2021 1:45 PM 100799 Montour_47-00001_RACT2_SigMod2_BulletinNotice.pdf
11/23/2022 3:47 PM 206931 NCRO_at_a_glance_2022_Update.pdf
8/4/2023 4:31 PM 1821300 NCRO_at_a_glance_2023_Update.pdf
11/16/2024 11:09 PM 477114 NCRO_at_a_glance_2024_Update.pdf
9/2/2021 10:24 AM <dir> Nicholas_Meat
2/20/2025 3:51 PM <dir> North-Centre-Twp-HSCA
6/17/2024 11:19 AM 105827 Notice_of_Public_Hearing_PGE_Phase_IV_Pipeline_7-2-24.pdf
6/6/2024 2:16 PM 123270 Notice_of_Violation_Mid-Valley_Coal_11-22-2023.pdf
8/1/2024 1:22 PM 74183 PA_Bulletin_Notice_FINAL_published_8-17-24.pdf
1/13/2020 3:22 PM 941603 RangeOrder-Redacted.pdf
4/30/2021 11:50 AM 199516 REC_Plan_Approval_Issuance_Memo.pdf
5/4/2021 4:10 PM 3118845 REC_Response_to_Modeling_Comments.pdf
10/21/2020 12:45 PM 32574226 Renovo Energy Center Plan Approval Application FINAL 2019-12-27.pdf
10/21/2020 12:46 PM 177359 Renovo Energy Center Proposed Plan Approval 18-00033B 2020-10-02.pdf
10/21/2020 12:46 PM 651007 Renovo Energy Center Proposed Plan Approval 18-00033B Application Review Memo 2020-10-02.pdf
4/29/2021 5:40 PM 595851 Renovo_Comment_response_document_April_29_2021.pdf
11/10/2020 10:27 AM 1062569 Renovo_Energy_Center_18-00033B_Deficiency_and_Responses_5-6-2020_and_6-18-2020.pdf
4/29/2021 3:27 PM 159764 Renovo_Energy_Center_Issued_Plan_Approval_18-00033B.pdf
4/29/2021 5:17 PM 123636 Renovo_Energy_Center_Plan_Approval_18-00033B_Issuance_Letter_with_Response_to_EPA.pdf
4/29/2021 3:27 PM 137280 Renovo_Energy_Center_Plan_Approval_18-00033B_Issuance_Letter_with_Response_to_REC_Comments.pdf
4/28/2023 4:13 PM 125566 Renovo_Energy_Center_Plan_Approval_18-00033B_Termination_Letter.pdf
4/28/2023 4:13 PM 1112653 Renovo_Energy_Center_Plan_Approval_Termination_Request.pdf
11/25/2020 12:08 PM 138581 Renovo_Energy_Fact_Sheet_FINAL_11-25-2020.pdf
11/12/2020 2:22 PM 6080474 RenovoEnergyCenterAirDispersionModelingDocumentsPackage2-27-2020.pdf
8/4/2020 11:04 AM <dir> Sayre
9/20/2019 12:43 PM 439315 SSIP19001.pdf
9/19/2019 7:07 AM 182518 SSIP19001_Coastal_Chemical_Comment_and_Response_FINAL.pdf
9/29/2020 8:57 AM 181545 Sunbury_Transfer_Bonding_Worksheets.pdf
9/29/2020 8:57 AM 9216726 Sunbury_Transfer_Major_Permit_Modification.pdf
9/29/2020 8:58 AM 7032252 Sunbury_Transfer_Roof_Expansion_Plans.pdf
2/21/2025 3:11 PM 257868 Withdrawal of Confidentiality Request 2-20-2025.pdf
2/21/2025 3:11 PM 3213083 Wyalusing Energy Center PAA 12-26-2024 (Rev. 2-12-2025).pdf
1/29/2025 4:12 PM 2706876 Wyalusing_Energy_Center_PAApp_Redacted.pdf