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12/10/2015 1:27 PM 11086724 Appendix B Worksheets.pdf
9/3/2014 10:17 AM 334769 Field Notes August 11 and August 18 2014.pdf
8/14/2014 9:37 AM 333515 Field Notes July 14 and July 21 2014.pdf
8/20/2014 9:42 AM 336198 Field Notes July 28 and Aug 4 2014.pdf
6/27/2014 12:54 PM 334351 Field Notes June 16 and June 23 2014.pdf
6/17/2014 3:41 PM 333628 Field Notes June 2 and June 9 2014.pdf
7/14/2014 11:03 AM 334431 Field Notes June 30 and July7 2014.pdf
6/2/2014 10:43 AM 334934 Field Notes May 19 and May 26 2014.pdf
3/18/2013 3:02 PM 2129730 Field_Notes_1_On_Graphic.pdf
4/1/2013 11:48 AM 2109106 Field_Notes_3-18-13-3-25-13.pdf
4/29/2013 3:50 PM 2108574 Field_Notes_April_15_and_April_22.pdf
5/2/2014 9:29 AM 335796 Field_Notes_April_21_and_April_28 2014.pdf
5/13/2013 10:22 AM 2109071 Field_Notes_April_29_and_May_6.pdf
4/16/2014 10:51 AM 337560 Field_Notes_April_7_and_April_14_2014.pdf
10/3/2013 9:11 AM 337880 Field_Notes_August_5_and_August_12.pdf
8/5/2013 11:06 AM 2109500 Field_Notes_July_22_and_July_29.pdf
7/22/2013 10:29 AM 334678 Field_Notes_July_8_and_July_15.pdf
6/24/2013 10:51 AM 335194 Field_Notes_June_10_and_June_17.pdf
7/9/2013 10:09 AM 334741 Field_Notes_June_24_and_July_1.pdf
4/17/2013 4:24 PM 327388 Field_Notes_March_18_and_March_25.pdf
5/29/2013 1:49 PM 2108622 Field_Notes_May_13_and_May_20.pdf
6/10/2013 9:38 AM 335480 Field_Notes_May_27_and_June_3.pdf
5/15/2014 2:52 PM 336592 Field_Notes_May_5_and_May_12_2014.pdf
5/9/2013 4:10 PM 850877 PA 2012 303d Approval Rationale.pdf
5/9/2013 4:10 PM 93419 PA 2012 303d Letter to Heffner.pdf
12/10/2015 1:22 PM 1156619 PADEP_CADDIS_Presentation.pdf
12/14/2015 3:09 PM 92681 rls-DEP CADDIS press release 12142015.pdf
5/13/2013 10:04 AM 18575 rls-DEP-303dApprove-050913_FINAL.pdf
5/2/2013 3:10 PM 19649 rls-DEP-Susq2012Report-050213.pdf
3/19/2013 10:01 AM 27040 rls-DEP-SusqUpdate-012813.pdf
3/19/2013 2:32 PM 19894 rls-DEP-SusqWorkPlan-031913.pdf
12/10/2015 1:37 PM 1345823 SMB_CADDIS_Report.pdf
3/19/2013 10:24 AM 475824 Susquehanna_Nutrient_Sampling_Plan_2012.pdf
3/19/2013 10:24 AM 3009141 Susquehanna_Sampling_Plan_2013.pdf
4/16/2014 9:01 AM 3526981 Susquehanna_Sampling_Plan_2014.pdf