- /regionalresources/NERO/NEROPortalFiles/
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4/28/2016 10:51 AM 130029 1068coa.martinscreek Final.pdf
4/28/2016 10:51 AM 279498 Attachment A - Fully executed letter agreement btween DRBC, PFBC and PAD....pdf
4/28/2016 10:51 AM 200625 Attachment B - Public Notice of Proposed Settlement - NRDA.PDF
6/3/2011 6:55 AM 719556 Bostik_CACP_04_13_11.pdf
6/3/2011 6:55 AM 1251918 Bostik_Sandvik_CO&A_4_13_11.pdf
1/6/2016 4:00 PM 7505146 Chapter 105 - 102 Stormwater Discharge Permit.pdf
1/15/2015 10:59 AM 195113 Columbia Gas Permit.pdf
1/15/2015 11:00 AM 1571640 Columbia Gas Plan Approval.pdf
4/29/2016 10:10 AM 202234 Comment Response - Natural Resource Damages Settlement Final.pdf
1/15/2015 10:58 AM 86215 Comment Response Columbia.pdf
12/5/2024 8:14 PM <dir> CommunityInformation
4/28/2016 10:51 AM 150109 cover letter to PPL COA.PDF
5/14/2014 1:08 PM 381495 Delta Thermo C&R.pdf
5/15/2014 6:58 AM 1250389 DTCommentResponse.pdf
5/15/2014 11:22 AM 2640096 DTPlanApproval.pdf
4/22/2015 8:58 AM 112022 Easton Compressor Station - Comment Response.pdf
4/22/2015 8:59 AM 1869564 Easton Compressor Station Permit.pdf
3/15/2022 3:29 PM 209342 EOC_Location_Map.jpg
7/25/2011 2:58 PM 148725 FACT_SHEET_Ivy-NERO_071311.pdf
12/10/2014 12:59 PM 80749193 Geo-Physical Logs.pdf
1/20/2016 3:18 PM 2836507 Green Ridge Sewer Odor Investigation Report Attachments (A through E).pdf
12/13/2010 11:15 AM 117376 HCP WMGR125 C R Doc.pdf
3/12/2010 11:25 AM 295866 HCP_Comment_and_Response_Document.pdf
3/12/2010 11:13 AM 106796 HCP_Supplemental_Info.pdf
1/20/2016 3:18 PM 277770 Investigation Report-September 24, 2015 Green Ridge Sewer Odor Incident.pdf
6/3/2011 6:52 AM 31744 Ivy Industrial Park Fact Sheet History Jan 2008 to May 2010.doc
6/3/2011 6:52 AM 39936 Ivy_fact-sheet_5_20_11.doc
1/5/2010 10:14 AM 259072 IvyIndustrialParkGroundwaterContaminationCase.doc
10/27/2015 10:41 AM 8067434 Jeanesvill_Briefing_09-22-2015a.pdf
11/12/2015 11:10 AM 2351233 JeanesvillePresentationNov05_2015.pdf
11/6/2015 8:51 AM 21890516 JeanesvillePresentationNov05_2015.pptx
5/21/2015 7:54 AM 2781263 Jeansville Mine Fire Presentation.pdf
2/23/2015 11:28 AM 149556 Keystone Landfill Fact Sheet.pdf
10/29/2015 9:40 AM 979586 Keystone Landfill Health Assessment Update.pdf
2/23/2015 11:29 AM 270233 Keystone Plain Language Summary.pdf
4/7/2015 8:07 AM 2954088 KeystoneLandfillPowerPoint.pdf
10/15/2015 11:03 AM 1820610 KeystoneLandfillTechnicalReviewLetter.pdf
4/7/2015 8:07 AM 163544 KSL Renewal.pdf
5/18/2016 11:45 AM 19176775 KSL_EA_Response-Revised_Form_I_and_Stormwater_Calculations.pdf
5/16/2016 10:32 AM 527438343 KSL_EA_Response-Revised_PH3_Plan_Set.pdf
5/16/2016 10:33 AM 24316610 KSL_EA_Response_Volume_1-Response_to_General_Comments_and_Form_D_Comments.pdf
5/16/2016 10:35 AM 30434850 KSL_EA_Response_Volume_2-Response_to_Harms_1_through_15.pdf
5/16/2016 10:36 AM 13344732 KSL_EA_Response_Volume_3-Response_to_Harms_16_through_23_and_response_to_all_Benefit_comments.pdf
12/28/2015 2:57 PM 4926149 Lackawanna Energy Approval Permit.pdf
12/28/2015 2:57 PM 412893 Lackawanna Energy - Comment and Response Document.pdf
7/13/2016 1:26 PM 47330 Lackawanna Energy Center Comment Response Document 35-00069B.DOCX
7/13/2016 1:26 PM 248686 Lackawanna Energy Center Permit 35-00069B.PDF
12/28/2015 2:57 PM 93792 Lackawanna Energy Plan Approval 12-22-15.pdf
3/17/2016 11:28 AM 5481084 LackawannaEnergyApprovedNPDESPemit.pdf
3/17/2016 11:28 AM 1393084 LackawannaEnergyComment_ResponseDocument(NPDES Permit).pdf
5/5/2016 8:50 AM 199212 Lackwanna Energy Plan Approval.pdf
7/16/2015 3:13 PM 232233 LECPlanApproval.pdf
1/31/2011 11:22 AM 2331711 Marcellus_NE_01-12-11.pdf
7/20/2015 4:38 PM 2032517 MartinsCreek_PPL NRDA Consent Order and Agreement.pdf
7/20/2015 4:38 PM 2750445 MartinsCreek_PPL NRDA Report.pdf
7/10/2015 2:48 PM 200625 MartinsCreek_Public Notice of Proposed Settlement - NRDA.pdf
9/9/2015 10:25 AM 4788506 Moxie Freedom LLC Plan Approval.pdf
9/9/2015 10:20 AM 531918 MoxieFreedom_CommentResponse.pdf
12/9/2015 10:21 AM 601165 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Draft Permit.pdf
1/30/2025 10:07 AM 464429 NERO_at_a_Glance.pdf
7/26/2012 8:28 AM 1119725 NERO_request_for_file_review.pdf
12/7/2015 12:23 PM 1820671 PADEP First Environmental Assessment Reveiw Letter.pdf
12/7/2015 12:23 PM 979598 PADOH-Keystone Landfill Health Assessment Update (October 2015).pdf
12/10/2014 12:55 PM 289431098 Plans Set.pdf
9/23/2015 1:48 PM 10862054 PowderlyCreekMineFirePresentation.pdf
6/3/2011 6:55 AM 466306 Sandvik_CACP_4_13_11.pdf
3/8/2010 3:26 PM 2795946 TCE_PCE_ivy_ind_pk_7_17_07updated3_11_08_140dpi.pdf
12/10/2014 10:33 AM 4756164 Volume 1.pdf
12/10/2014 10:51 AM 58926730 Volume 2.pdf
12/10/2014 11:10 AM 30187251 Volume 3.pdf
12/10/2014 11:23 AM 33131130 Volume 4.pdf
12/10/2014 11:41 AM 29184445 Volume 5.pdf
12/10/2014 11:51 AM 43243319 Volume 6.pdf
12/10/2014 11:59 AM 29160748 Volume 7.pdf
12/10/2014 12:05 PM 29048869 Volume 8.pdf
12/10/2014 12:08 PM 34909312 Volume 9.pdf
12/13/2010 11:15 AM 73605 WMGR125.pdf
3/19/2014 10:24 AM 3275793 Worksheets Bonding.pdf